Old school IT Practices That are Still Relevant Today

Technology changes rapidly, but at its core, the fundamentals of good IT strategy remain. Not a lot has changed since the early days of IT … except for everything. Luckily, many of the fundamentals of the early days of IT still apply, just in a different way. Here are...

Going Green with the Cloud

Everywhere you look, you hear about businesses going to the cloud and loving it. You are also aware of many of the reasons why so many have moved to the cloud and not looked back. We at Responza are passionate about helping our clients find the perfect fit for them,...

Migrating to Office 365

Everywhere you look, you see businesses moving to the cloud. Keywords like Office 365, cloud servers, and cost savings have been floating around as well. We at Responza enjoy consulting with our clients on which products and services suit their needs best. One we...

Should You Switch to Mac?

For the last few decades, Mac has become increasingly popular. The biggest game changer for them was when their iPod hit the market in the early 2000’s. Today in the business world, you have a healthy mix of PC and Mac users. Each with their own reasons to use...