For the last few decades, Mac has become increasingly popular. The biggest game changer for them was when their iPod hit the market in the early 2000’s. Today in the business world, you have a healthy mix of PC and Mac users. Each with their own reasons to use either type of computer. Here at Responza not only does our team use either type but our techs are well versed in both. Read on to find out how IBM has switched to Mac and has saved hundreds of dollars per user since.

How Switching to Mac Can Save You Hundreds

Tech company IBM has recently reported that about one in four of their employees has switched to Mac. Over the course of this year, they will add another 100,000 Macs to that list. Because of their size, they are Apple’s largest customer and are in good company. Other giants like SAP, Kelly Services, and Intuit have also made the switch to Mac too. For IBM, this goes well beyond computers but also includes the iPhone and iPads too.
You might be wondering why they switched. The short answer is money. Saving money is part of their long-term goals. While the upfront cost of a Mac product is higher than a PC, it’s the total cost that is where the savings lie. When it comes to Mac, they hold their value longer than a PC. The cost is lower for IBM when it comes to setting up a Mac for an employee. IBM states the savings is anywhere from $273 to $543 per person. When you multiply that by the thousands of employees that they have, the money adds up.

Switching to Mac: Is it Right for You?

You might be wondering if you and your employees should make the switch to Mac. The quick answer is, it depends on your business. It is best to weigh the costs and ease of use for your business. If you are thinking of switching to Mac and want help migrating, contact us at Responza. Here at Responza, we have a team of techs who can help you with any IT need. We can not only migrate all your important data but continue to offer incredible managed IT services to extend the life of your servers and computers. Contact us, in Seattle or Charleston, today and let us show you how our services can keep your business running smoothly and productive.

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